Resource and Change Management (RCM) Pvt. Ltd. was established as a resource management, building capacity and consulting organization by a group of professionals in 2014 AD (2071 BS) which is formally registered in Office of the Company Registrar as per the company act 2063 with the registration number 126648/071/072 in 2014-09-15 AD (2071-05-30 BS). Its’ office is situated in Kathmandu Metropolitan-4, Dhumbarahi, Kathmandu, Nepal. It is also registered in Internal Revenue Division with its Permanent Account Number/VAT of 602417444. RCM Nepal as renowned company that promotes sustainable development in underserved communities in rural Nepal through: technology transfer, education, community development, market facilitation, solid waste management, renewable energy access, DRR and climate change and sustainable and organic agriculture support and services. The Company will eventually coordinate rural development initiatives to contribute to sustainable livelihoods in underserved communities around the world.
RCM Nepal envisions “a self-reliant society with socially and economically sustainable society build upon foundation of appropriate technology, equity and peace in which all people live in dignity and prosperity for which different stakeholders work in a coordinative and collaborative ways”.
The objective of the RCM is to provide services on different themes and areas particularly on research, system design, planning and management, strategic planning & review, monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL), community development, project cycle management, organizational and institutional management and capacity building, enterprise development, participatory technology development, microenterprise promotion, participatory marketing system development and values chain development, project development and appraisal, policy analysis, climate change, environmental and biodiversity conservation, solid waste management, energy and sustainable and organic agriculture.